

Foshan shunde lunjiao woodworking machinery factory is located in the Chinese kuang hong largest wood working machinery production base –shun de .the factory is a set resedrch and development production, manufacturing in one of the manufacturers .the technical personnel in the management of a number of high –quality management personnel and constantly develop new products.
Pay attention to product quality assurance and the credibility of the factory ,and continuously improve the product’s performance,the company has always been to‘‘technology-basd,continuons innovation’’as the operating principle . improve customer  satisfaction .is our pursuit of the goal of no relaxation during the time of the.we will take our own efforts .so that the majority of uses have felt we wholeheartedly for your service concept. Welcome to our customers call advisory letter!

企业经济性质: 私营企业
法人代表或负责人: 陈匡鸿
企业类型: 经销批发
公司注册地: 广东佛山顺德伦教
注册资金: 人民币 100 万元以下
成立时间: 2007.7.14
员工人数: 11 - 50 人
月产量: 1000
年营业额: 人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
年出口额: 人民币 100 - 250 万元
管理体系认证: 广东佛山顺德工商行政管理局
主要经营地点: 广东佛山顺德
主要客户: **所有顾客
厂房面积: 1000
是否提供OEM代加工: 是
开户银行: 中国农业银行
主要市场: 木工机械行
主营产品或服务: 自动梳齿开榫机、木工镂铣床、立式双轴木工铣床、木工平刨床、单轨气动五碟出榫机、直线修边机、数控双边铣、自动靠模双面防削机、数控双面仿形铣床、卧式双端榫槽机。